Recent publications


Martin, S

Viability analysis as an approach for assessing the resilience of agroecosystems Incollection

Gardner, S M; Ramsden, S J; Hails, R S (Ed.): Agricultural Resilience: Perspectives from Ecology and Economics, pp. 273-294, Cambridge University Press, 2019.

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Martin, S; Alvarez, I

Anticipating Shocks in the State Space: Characterizing Robustness and Building Increasingly Robust Evolutions Journal Article

SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 57 (1), pp. 490-509, 2019.

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Lavallée, F; Smadi, C; Alvarez, I; Reineking, B; Martin, F -M; Dommanget, F; Martin, S

A stochastic individual-based model for the growth of a stand of Japanese knotweed including mowing as a management technique Journal Article

Ecological Modelling, 413 , pp. 108-128, 2019, ISSN: 0304-3800.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Lavallée, F; Smadi, C; Martin, F -M; Alvarez, I; Reineking, B; Dommanget, F; Martin, S

Quels apports de la modélisation pour l'aide à la gestion de la renouée du Japon ? Journal Article

Revue Science Eaux & Territoires, Renouées envahissantes - Connaissances, gestions et perspectives, 27 , pp. 108-111, 2019.

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